"I hear good vocals and lovely tunes in it. the songs I would describe it as blues and jazzy"
The 95s are a 90s Alternative/ Blues band founded in Monticello, MN 2015. Austin Stolpestad and Ben Schablin make up The 95s with their original music!
The 95s' are a two man band that uses acoustic guitar, electric guitar and bass with their music. Sometimes will incorporate a small kick drum to add some variety to the music but mainly just trying to keep a simple idea..
Austin Stolpestad and Ben Schablin are the members of the band. The two met in
Highschool during choir class and since then has continued to work with each other since 2012..
The bands influences vary from White Stripes to Pearl Jam to Led Zeppelin to even
Howlin' Wolf, a bunch of music genres that created this bands style and sound. "We enjoy making music because like anyone else In this world, we are creative. Its the technology that we are so used to today that makes us so lazy after work.." -
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