Giving it back is the “Old School way of saying “Pay it Forward” My way of saying “Thank You” especially to My Mentors, Family and friends, who inspired me, and supported me through this project after 50 YEARS of Playing “SOUL” and Blues With Legends and Hall of Famer's. From South Florida to Chicago, on to N.Y. and L.A.
Beginning in 1965 In Florida with BILLY MIRANDA's SOUL BAND:
Billy Invited me to Join his Band-”Thank You Billy”-- long overdue!
JAZZ BO BROWN- Guitar Formerly with PERCY SLEDGE.
AL COLSON- Tenor Saxophone formerly with LITTLE RICHARD
EDDIE HOPE Drums formerly- ROY ORBISON & The Candy Men.
Bobby Brown on Hammond B-3 Backed Sam N Dave and Wilson Pickett
(where I also had the extreme pleasure to play live with LES PAUL.)
Thank You Les for the Great Complement You gave Me!
I asked Jazz Bo Could He teach me More about the Blues?
He said “we taught You all we could teach you”and told me "you have to go to Chicago for that". so on to Chicago and the BLUES.
Circa !966:
Meeting and sitting in with Alligator Records recording Artists: The Siegal and Schwall Blues band at the Infamous “MOTHER BLUES” on Wells Street. Owned By Legendary LORRAINE BLUE. (Momma BLue)
Then Joining The "Legendary" BABY HUEY's Rhythm section “The Soul Survivors.-Later became The Soul Intentions at the ROLLING STONE N.Y."
(where we Broke The House Attendance Record the 1st Friday Night.)
I promise I'd Never Forget "Huey" A Real Good Soul playing "Soul"
Baby Huey "My Brother in the Sky" Known as "RAMEY" to His Friends. Drummer “RICK HOWARD “RODAN” formerly with FREDDIE KING,also worked with BUDDY GUY. Sammy Fender Guitar Formerly with Bobby Womack.
RONNIE “SKEETS” ANDERSON former guitar player for SAM COOKE, and “LEON” Drums on “HIGHER And HIGHER” JACKIE WILSON's Big Hit. RAY PARRISH- Guitar for ELVIN BISHOP (my cool Brother.)
Emit "TUT" Sutton Former Bass with James Brown
Doing a Gig with my “Family” Joyce & Glenn -MOTHERS FINEST A Special treat working with The "Legendary Blues Hall of Famer"
Lonnie Brooks Who played with BB King, Recorded on Jimmy Reed's Album at Carnegie Hall, and was in the Blues Brothers Movie.
LONNIE BROOKS- Thanks Lonnie you were a great influence!
Circa 1994 Started The "Tampa Bay Blues Machine" and Features
Nitro Boseman a Great Harp player played 3 Blues festivals together
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